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Attention! Fraud / Phishing Alert!

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Attention! Fraud / Phishing Alert!

Attention! Fraud / Phishing Alert!
A fake COBI store has appeared at the address: It is confusingly similar to our official website.
COBI has nothing to do with this store. We have reported the fake website to the appropriate authorities.
Don't try to order anything on this website! If you provide your credit card details in the fake store the transaction may be fraudulent. Criminals can wipe out your bank account! Also watch out for the fake profile on Facebook: "Cobi Online". It leads to a fake COBI store!
Remember to shop only in proven online stores. Check opinions and comments about stores. Use common sense - too attractive an offer should be concerning.
If you have found a suspicious website with COBI blocks, please write to us at:

We will check into it. You can find our official and safe online stores here: