Tank Wars - COBI-22104 istruction manual

If the artillery fire hits a field with a Support token on it, no Artillery token is placed on it, but the Support token is removed from the board. If artillery fire hits a vehicle, this is considered a normal hit and the vehicle loses 1 point of armor. Shots are fired by both sides at the same time, which means that an artillery vehicle can complete all its shots, even if it was destroyed by the enemy in the same phase. It is then treated as destroyed only at the end of the artillery fire phase. If a player starts the artillery firing phase without an artillery vehicle, they are entitled to 1 artillery shot from the Long Range Artillery. It works exactly like an ordinary artillery shot. Movement planning In this phase, each player must plan the movement of their vehicles. This is done with the help of the Command tokens. There are arrows on the Command tokens that indicate the direction of the planned movement and the value — the numbers “1” or “2” indicate the number of fields on the board that the vehicle will travel in a given move. Command tokens Each player has their own set of tokens to plan their vehicle movement. There are 4 different command tokens included: • Moving straight by 1 field. • Moving straight by 2 fields. • Moving diagonally by 1 field. • Moving diagonally by 2 fields. IV. The course of the game The game is played in a set order: 1. Artillery fire 2. Movement planning 3. Gunfire planning 4. Execution of Movement 5. Gunfire 6. Supply Drop In each of the above phases, one player makes their moves first, then the other makes theirs. When both of them have completed their movements in a given phase they can proceed to the next one. Artillery fire In this phase, artillery vehicles from each side fire at the enemy’s board. Each artillery vehicle can make as many shots in one phase as the number of shells it has available — this is determined by the number of shells they have at their disposal. E.g.: a vehicle with 4 Artillery Fire marks can make 4 shots in one phase. The shooting is carried out by means of a dice throw — the first one determines the column, the second the row number. Depending on the result of the dice throw, the shell will fall on the field at the intersection of the specified column and row. For example, if the result „E” and „4” is thrown with the dice, it means that the shell will fall onto field E4.