Tank Wars - COBI-22104 istruction manual

The supply drop is carried out by means of a dice throw — the first one determines the column, the second the row number. The supply box will land on the field at the intersection of the column and the row. For example, if the result „B” and „3” is thrown with the dice, it means that the supply will land on field B3. If the supply falls directly on a vehicle, it is immediately taken over by the crew. You should then remove such a Support token from the board and draw another the Support card immediately. If a Support token goes to a field where an Artillery token is located, it gets damaged. You should remove that Support token together with the Artillery token it fell on. Support cards Each time a player’s vehicle occupies a field with a Support token, that player should immediately draw 1 card from the Support cards deck. Each of the cards contains symbols which determine the possible actions, the number of symbols determines the number of actions. For example If there is 1 „Vehicle Repairs” symbol on the card — after playing this card, the player can restore (repair) 1 armor token in any damaged vehicle. If the card contains 2 such symbols - they can perform such an action twice, i.e. indicate a vehicle and repair 1 point of armor in it 2 times. Support cards can be played at any time — but they must be played before the subsequent phase of the game begins. Otherwise, the card will not work and its effect cannot be resolved in a given phase. Meaning of the individual symbols: Reports intercepted — at the beginning of the Movement Planning phase (before any com - mand is given to the vehicles) select one of your opponent’s Command tokens and put it aside. He cannot use that command in this round. Artillery observer — take a single artillery shot, but instead of the usual procedure, take one die and set the score on it according to your decision, then throw the other die. Treat the result on both dies as if it had been achieved in a normal throw. Victory The player who is the first to eliminate all the enemy’s ve - hicles wins the game. Communication interference — select an opponent’s vehicle that is scheduled to move, and then re-align its command token in any way (by 90º, 180º or 270º). However, you are not allowed to look under the Radio token to see what exact command was given. Artillery fire — make a single artillery shot, consistent with the rules of artillery fire. Vehicle repa - ir - select your own damaged vehicle and re - store the lost 1 point of ar - mor