Tank Wars - COBI-22104 istruction manual

You can also use the Gunfire tokens to remove Artillery tokens from your own board (see: Firing). Movement When both players have completed their Gunfire Planning phases, the Movement phase begins. Each vehicle, starting with the one whose card is in the topmost position, reveals the command that was given to it. This is done by removing the Radio token. Once the command is known, you move the vehicle model on the board according to the given command — taking into account the direction of movement indicated by the arrow on the given command and the number of fields, which is determined by the value on the Command token. Commands are executed in a certain order. The vehicle whose Vehicle Card is placed in the first position (the topmost position on the board) is the first to move, the next to move is the vehicle from the second position (the middle position on the board), the last to execute the command is the vehicle placed in the last, bottom position on the board. If the vehicle crosses or stops in a field where an Artillery token is located during movement — it immediately loses 1 Armor Point. In this case, 1 armor token should be removed from the vehicle card and the Artillery token should be removed from the field where the vehicle is currently located. The vehicle loses an Armor Point for every Artillery token it crosses. If, in the course of movement, it drove through one Artillery token and stopped on a field where a subsequent Artillery token is located, it loses a total of 2 Armor Points, and the Artillery tokens are removed from the field it drove through and from the field where it stopped. A vehicle cannot stop in a field occupied by another vehicle. If a command given would mean that a field already occupied by another vehicle has to be occupied, the whole command is cancelled and the vehicle has to remain in place. If a vehicle completes its movement on a field containing a Support Token, the Support Token is immediately removed and the player has the right to draw 1 Support Card. The Movement Phase ends when both players make their moves with all vehicles. Gunfire If both players have made moves with all the vehicles they have, the previously Gunfire shot is resolved. If a vehicle has completed its movement on a field where the Gunfire token is located, the vehicle loses 1 Armor Point. All other Gunfire tokens that have not hit any vehicle are removed from the board. However, if a Gunfire token was placed on an Artillery or Support token, they are removed together with the Gunfire tokens. Supply Drop When the Gunfire phase is completed, the Supply Drop phase follows. It consists in drawing the field onto which the planes will make the drop.