Tank Wars - COBI-22104 istruction manual

To plan the move, select one of the Command tokens according to the movement pattern of the selected vehicle and place it in the command area so that the arrow on it indicates the direction in which you want to move the vehicle. Remember that commands are planned in a secret manner and the enemy should not see them. Radio tokens are used to cover up the real command token, thanks to which the opponent will not see what command we put on the chosen vehicle. We cover the Command token with a Radio token and place the set prepared in such a way on the Vehicle Card for which the command is intended. Remember: The Command token should be placed on the Vehicle Card so that the arrow on it indicates the direction in which the vehicle is to move. If the Command token is not in accordance with the movement pattern of the vehicle (i.e. the arrow on the token indicates a move that the vehicle cannot make), the vehicle remains stationary and cannot leave the occupied field. This also applies to the range of motion that is on the token. If the vehicle is damaged (it has only 1 armor point left) and receives a command to move by 2 fields — it cannot execute such an command either. Gunfire planning If both players have already planned their moves and each of the vehicles has already been given with a Movement Command, you should proceed to the next phase of the game, i.e. Gunfire Planning. Each player has Gunfire tokens, the number of which is determined by the Vehicle Cards. At the beginning of the game it is 3 tokens. However, the loss of any of the vehicles with the Gunfire symbol will reduce the amount of these tokens by the amount consistent with the number of symbols on the lost vehicle card. In the Gunfire Planning phase, each player places the Gunfire tokens on the enemy’s board, trying to predict to which fields the opponent’s vehicles will move.